MAAR Virtual Meet & Greet Small Group Workshop JOIN US!! Email to schedule a weekend date! Let's Meet Face to Face … Get to know one another before we delve into the heaviness of hate and racism. Click the link to access Workshop: ** Please use a laptop or desktop computer **
LET'S GET STARTED ON YOUR ALLYSHIP JOURNEY TO... BECOMING; Educated, Encouraged, and Edified by MAAR Platform’s Insightful and Emotionally Honest Content. Take the first step on your journey to "Allyship" with MAAR in combating Systemic Racism, HATE, and all of its derived byproducts; racism, bigotry, prejudice, antisemitism, marginalization, and disenfranchisement. Moms Allyship Against Racism (MAAR) in our grassroots efforts to combat HATE (racism, bigotry, social justice, and inequalities) in our communities, states, and nation. We are truly fighting for the SOUL of our nation. HATE in on a destructive rampage in the hearts and minds. The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few to combat it. Therefore, we encourage you to assist our platform in soliciting new allies to join MAAR in our efforts. Please continue to share our platform and have your friends share and encourage their friends to join! We will collectively create a mighty "United Fist" as one, amplify our voices against injustices and shine a spotlight in order to bring awareness to systemic racism, which will result in the implementation of positive impactful changes. The legacy of "allyship activism" is the building blocks and guiding principles of the foundation on which MAAR'S platform is proudly rooted and founded. To request a Virtual Meet and Greet and Anti-Racist Workshops Fill Out The Contact At Link Below:
1 hr 30 min
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